In 2020 NZAGS will be helping members, by introducing a reflective practice option – A NZAGS run Practice Visits (PV) Programme. Practice Visits provide collegial peer review of specialists within their work environment.
Reflective Practice category was introduced by the College in 2017 to align the RACS CPD program with principles articulated in the Medical Board of Australia’s Professional Performance Framework.
All Fellows must complete at least one Reflective Practice (category 4) activity per year to achieve CPD compliance. NZAGS will be applying to the RACS to have our practice visits programme extended to account for 2-3 years of your Reflective Practice compliance (yet to be approved) due to the work undertaken in the review.
To aid NZAGS members in complying, NZAGS has set up a framework for a Practice Visits (PV) Programme, with a sub-committee chaired by Mr. Rowan French. The PV programme has applied and obtained a protective Quality Assurance Activity (QAA) rating for the programme.
The practice visit process is a protected quality assurance activity under a formal notice obtained by NZAGS. This means that all information that becomes known solely as a result of the practice visit process is strictly confidential. NZAGS has obtained a notice from the Minister of Health protecting the confidentiality of the process, with the objective of encouraging fellows to participate fully and frankly in the practice visit process.
Members of NZAGS are able to receive a practice visit as part of their continuing professional development. The visits provide Fellows with a confidential review by two of their peers of various aspects of their practice. The practice visit process incorporates interviews with the multidisciplinary team the surgeon works with, as well as a review of the clinical work load, case mix and record keeping.
The aim of the practice visit programme is to provide feedback about the practice and facilitate quality improvements where necessary, in a collegial and supportive manner. Also, it will be useful in highlighting best practice to share with our members.
Practice visits are confidential and focus on improving the practice environment and risk mitigation to contribute to the delivery of safe, quality healthcare outcomes for patients, their families, health professionals and the broader community.
For further information please email Bronwen Evans – Coordinator, NZAGS NZ Practice Visits or ph: +64 4 384 3355
OR If you are interested in completing a Practice Visit please fill in the online application form.